I'm a little bit surprised that neither of you picked Joni Mitchell's "Coyote" which is the song that made the strongest impression on me when I first watched the film.

Which isn't to argue against your choices-- I just remember, that was the one that stood out to me when I finished the movie

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Gonna be honest, I have never been a huge Joni Mitchell fan. I know that is sacrilege to some. I do respect her contributions to music as a whole, though. Just not my cup o tea.

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No judgment. I more often respect/appreciate Joni Mitchell than feel like she really speaks to me. Part of why her performance in The Last Waltz stands out is that I did have an unusual reaction of, "in this case everything about the song & performance work for me."

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No arguments here- The Hawk just killed it with his old employees ("Big time, Bill- big time!") and Morrison stole the show with "Caravan". I might also suggest checking out the performances with Muddy Waters on "Caldonia" and "Let The Good Times Roll", with Garth Hudson trading in his organ for an accordion...

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